

After much reading and pondering, I am recently inspired to try the minimalism lifestyle. The more I read the many blogs and websites out there that talks about it, the more I find myself resonating with that idea. I don't know if that makes me one of the many people out there blindly following an increasingly popular fad, but somehow, I felt that minimalism is going to be the right fit for me. The idea alone is appealing because it encourages me to get rid of all the clutter and mess in my life, to make way for things that I care more about.

I am optimistic that minimalism will open up a new window of opportunity for me to take control of own lifestyle and surround myself only with objects that I truly love. By doing so, instead of owning large quantities of objects that are mediocre and sub-par, I will be choosing to own less stuffs, but quality stuffs. I will only be purchasing items that I appeals to me in terms of the design, the form and the quality of the objects that I own. Also, having objects that are of superior quality will probably sate my appetite to crave for more, because I already know I own the best or at least the best I could afford. The time, money and effort can instead, can be appropriately channeled to do something else that is more productive.

A good example is my iPhone 4. I have owned my iPhone 4 for about a year and a half now. But it is still undoubtedly the best phone I have ever used. Even until this day, it never fail to delight and satisfy me with its amazing functionality and versatility as it had on day one I got it. I really feel that Apple have done an outstanding job to make the user experience on the iPhone 4 as amazing as it is. So, it certainly qualifies as a good buy because it certainly have never crossed my mind to switch my smartphone to something better even though it has been almost two years.

The plan is to build my life around objects that will similarly give me the same joy that I find in using my iPhone 4. At present, I have bought a pair of Nike Free Run+ 2 and am loving it very much after using it for about 2 weeks. Next on wishlist is a new messenger bag, and a new wristwatch. Although I have not decided yet, but I think my next buy will most likely be the Timbuk2 DLux Racing Messenger and a Black Raven Slap Watch based on all the research I have done and the reviews that I have read.

Anyways, I am truly excited about embracing quality over quantity. And these couple of purchases and getting rid of the quantity clutter will be happening soon. Hopefully, these small changes will be the first few steps towards positively changing my lifestyle for the better.


Why Do I Write?

For far too long, I have been playing tricks on myself by buying into the idea that money is essential for me to find lasting happiness and that money is the answer that could fix any negativity. Born to a middle-class family, I was raised with this idea that money and happiness is intertwined. And like happiness, there can never be enough money. The only consolation in knowing this is that happiness could be bought with money, but the same cannot be said vice-versa.

Unfortunately, even after so many years, I only find myself growing more and more frustrated the more I stood to that saying because I felt a void in my own life. I don't feel happy despite what I have. At times, I felt discouraged and in the back of my mind, always wanted to know what it is like, if things are much more different than they are. What if I have had a choice? What if I have had different sets of values and priorities? What if I am not exactly me? These questions fueled my curiosity even more making me wanting to leave my state of mind for something fresh. I knew some part of me have considered doing so, wanting to be free and allow myself to truly discover my real self-identity, instead of an identity that was projected on me by others. Some part of me at times, have romanticized the idea of myself doing what I truly love and passionate about. But, it takes a lot of courage, courage that I at times could not muster, until now.

This blog-post is my first, and it is like a baby step that I take in my venture of self-discovery. It marks the first of my many posts that will be somewhat like my sidekick in my self-exploration to free myself from the shackles of materialism, in hopes that my actions will yield results that can make me a better, happier person.

I made a short list containing some goals on what I would like to achieve for the year :
  • need to learn how to live better with less. 
  • need to control my materialistic desires
  • not going to be manipulated by the status-quo. 
  • need to learn how to place more emphasis on experiences, and less on objects.
  • need to learn to my channel negative thoughts into positive ones.  
  • need to learn to find my true passion, and find my happiness through it.
These goals may appear to be vague and idealistic at the moment. But, rest assured, these goals is like this post the beginning of the journey, and they will evolve and mature as time goes by. Hopefully, 2012 will be a better year, one baby step at a time.